

The fact that aviation and air transportation has become more preferred in recent years has necessitated the making of national and international legal regulations and the conclusion of international contracts. Aviation includes many organizations such as airline companies, aircraft and component manufacturers, aviation professional associations, aviation service providers, aviation joint ventures, ground service providers, regulatory bodies, infrastructure and investment companies, charter companies, private operators, aircraft rental companies.

The relations of the above-mentioned companies with the countries in which they operate in the aviation sector and with other companies require legal consultancy and getting consultancy on contracts and legal disputes will also minimize the possible risks.

As the Bosphorus Legal Partners team, we meticulously represent our clients in legal disputes arising from aircraft, lawsuits arising from air labor law, lawsuits for pecuniary and moral damages arising from air transport contracts, criminal lawsuits arising from air accidents and air liability law and other legal disputes. In addition to legal disputes related to aviation, we serve our clients with our experienced and dynamic lawyer staff in insurance, sale, purchase, pledge transactions, preparation of contracts related to aviation labor law, arrangement of contracts related to ground handling and all other issues related to aviation law.

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